Vanessa Torres respects the art of DIY skateboarding in the streets, and the Meow Skateboards crew respects its elders. In this BTS edit from Skate & Create, try to keep up as Kristin Ebeling, Mariah Duran, Christiana Means, and Poe Pinson set out to create and then skate as many DIY spots as they could find, with Grandma Torres and her new pro model walker leading the way.
"The gender bias in skateboarding has been steadily closing, thanks to a generation’s worth of hard-won victories, harder work, and spectacular talent by its female stars. Up next? The 2020 Olympics." - Mackenzie Wagoner, Vogue
"Vanessa Torres has paid her dues. The veteran skater is on every girl-skater’s list of favorite skaters and inspirations. Even through tough times with no sponsors and not many contests in the mid 2000s, Vanessa has endured solely based off her passion for skateboarding and her stubbornness as she puts it, to not give up and get a real job.